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How to Hire a Writer for Assignment Help


If you’re trying to hire a writer for assignment help, this article will tell you how to do it. Here are the two main ideas:

  • Choose a writing service that has a website. Don’t post a gig. It’s safer to get assignment help through a reputable company than to hire some unemployed person browsing gigs on craigslist.

  • Start with a small payment. Even if you need help with a ten-page assignment, ask the writing service to start with a small order and write a few paragraphs. I’ve been a writer-for-hire for more than ten years, and I always appreciate it when someone allows me to write one page and prove that I’m qualified.

In the paragraphs below, I’ll explain why these two ideas are so important. Finding the best way to hire a writer for assignment help is not as easy as you might think. Sure, you can post a gig on craigslist and you’ll get a lot of offers, but the people who want the gig are NOT qualified. Go ahead and try it right now – post a gig on a classified ad website and say you want college assignment help. Most of the people will reply with an email that has just one sentence, low effort. Many will have writing styles that show they’re still trying to learn English, so their writing style will not match your own.

Finally, you find someone with a writing style similar to your own, and now you have you have to figure out how to pay him. He suggests, “You can pay me half how and half upon completion.” That sounds reasonable, so you go ahead with it and then you don’t hear from him for a while. The deadline is approaching, so you email to ask for an update and he reassures you he’ll send the paper on time.

On the day before the deadline he sends a paper that needs a lot of improvement. You can tell him tried to do a good job, but he also overlooked several requirements. You email to tell him about it, but he doesn’t reply right away. Now you have a paper you can’t use, and it’s awkward for you to try to rewrite some parts of the paper. So, you did hire a writer and get the assignment help he agreed to provide, but you were forced to rewrite most of the paper. Should you pay him the other half of the fee, or not?

Who cares! Pay him, or don’t pay him. You still failed to hire a writer and get efficient, reliable assignment help. The whole thing was a waste of time. To help you have more success when you hire a writer, I’ll give these two key strategies:

Here’s the most important advice about how to hire a writer for assignment help:

Don’t pay for half up front and the rest upon completion. That is a bad way to hire a writer. There’s a right way, and I’ll tell you how. To hire a writer for assignment help, use the following two steps:

Choose a writing service with a website. Don’t post a gig.

People who need to hire a writer for assignment help can either browse writing service websites OR post a gig so freelancers can submit their proposals. If you post a gig, you’ll spend a lot of time reading proposals, and then you end up hiring someone who is not qualified. It’s better to hire someone who has spent enough time to create a website and promote a real writing service. Someone like that is more committed to the success of her/his clientele. It’s a lot safer to get assignment help through a reputable company than to hire some unemployed person browsing gigs on craigslist.

Start with a small payment.

Did you consider the option to hire a writer for just one page of your assignment? Even if you need help with a ten-page assignment, tell him to write a few paragraphs for $20! Let him show you how he would begin to write the paper. There is nothing wrong with this request.

I’m a writer-for-hire from Massachusetts, and I like helping with college classes. I’m kind of an expert when it comes to the question of how to hire a writer for assignment help. When you order through WriterBoss, we’re willing to start by writing just one page, or we can start with a TRIAL for only $15. Any qualified writer will want to prove her/his ability. My name is Noah, and you can email me at

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